Joseph and I went running yesterday around 1 or 1:30. There was a storm blowing in, so there was a good breeze to help with the fact it was around 80* according to my weather channel app on my phone. It never did really rain here, but apparently the storm got close enough to produce nice winds and overcast skies. Nice running weather.
I think we went around about 5 times. 5 x .45 is...2.25 miles. We ran some, and we walked some. We did one run of the .45 (a whole time around), then shorter runs. Some on the straightaways, some on the shorter ends. My calves are still tightening up a lot when I run more than 1 straightaway at time, which I find odd, and I'm not sure what to do about it. Stretching doesn't seem to help, and it doesn't seem to really be getting any better. I'm not at all sure what it is, or why it's happening. My calves aren't weak. Far from it. I've been trying to really focus on not running primarily on the balls of my feet, so that I'm not bouncing off of them excessively. I wonder maybe if now I'm flexing my foot too much, and pulling on that muscle the whole time. Or if it's something completely different. I have no idea, but it's frustrating. I want it to stop.
On the upside, our garden seems to be doing well. The large amounts of water being dumped on it by Mother Nature doesn't seem to have phased it at all. Zucchini and squash have flowers (and the zucchini leaves are big enough you could use one as an umbrella, nearly), eggplant is just now starting to get flowers. Tomatoes are falling over due to the sheer weight of the unripened vegetables hanging off of them. Our strawberries stalled out for a little bit, but they're now blooming again. The jalapenos had flowers on them, but I think all the rain may have pulled them off, lol. The potatoes are doing awesomely. They seem to like drowning, lol.
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