Sunday, May 22, 2011

Not running so much lately

We went for a very short run on Thursday. Not sure what was wrong with it, but it felt off. Maybe it was the fact it was suddenly pretty hot, maybe it was the fact we ran in the middle of the day when we usually run in the evenings, who knows. But we only went about 3 times around the block, and only ran 3 straightaways.

Wednesday night's dance class aggravated my shin splints, so that definitely slows things down a bit.

For whatever reason, my hip is hurting, right along the groin line. We're not sure what happened, or what caused it, but it hurts when I do various things. We're not even sure exactly what is hurting. It seems better today, but Wednesday through Saturday, it hurt just about anytime I did a few different things that are hard to explain.

We danced at our local Greek Food Festival yesterday, and while the temperature wasn't bad in normal clothes, while dancing and wearing velvet (like I was) it was hot, and I was dripping sweat. I also tried out something new: KT Tape. I went to Sports Authority looking for normal athletic tape, and this was all I found. I was hoping to be able to tape my shins for Saturday, so I could still walk today. Wandering around on concrete in completely unpadded dance shoes plus dancing on a metal stage usually does my shins in. Not sure if it was the tape, or just good luck, but my shins are not in the 'omg, don't touch them' state that they can be in after such performances or feiseanna. I got all kinds of comments on my purple stripes on my legs (I bought purple tape because it's my favorite color, and the color for my dance school). But hey if it works. I'll likely be trying it again. We used 2 strips and the box comes with 20.

And today, it has been raining all day. I don't know that we have more coming, but my goodness, it is humid outside.

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