According to, the distance around my block is actually .45 miles. I had only ever mapped it with my travel odometer on my car, so it was a rough guess. But on the upside, I RAN THE WHOLE .45 MILES TODAY!!!!!1 Before running that,I ran three .14 miles (our straightaways, as I refer to them), and after the .45 miles, we did a cooldown that consisted of walking the straightaways and trotting the ends of the loop, which are about .09 miles in length. I think we did 5 laps, which is .45 miles x 5...which is...2.25 miles. :)
Here's the nifty thing, my little sister (age 6) went with us today. And she did, in fact, run the entire .45 mile stretch, after running all the rest that we ran too. She was complaining of her legs hurting a bit, and she seemed a bit dehydrated. She lagged behind a bit, because we started running, her shoelace untied, so she had to stop, so we told her to wait at my grandmother's (next door to our house). She didn't, so she was behind us, but she says she ran the whole .45 miles. Which is impressive, in my mind, for a kid who doesn't really run off of the playground.
*happy dances* I ran nearly a whole half a mile!
Oh, and I bought my first running bra yesterday (well, my mom bought it). It's a Juno, made by Moving Comfort.
I wore it today, and didn't really notice a difference. I suppose it had to have made a difference, but I didn't really notice any less jostling (not that I ever notice any anyway). It was comfy, I like the adjustable straps, and I like the fact that if I for some reason ever felt inclined to show of my pale-as-moonlight tummy while running, I could in this bra (it's made for running shirtless), but I didn't really notice it doing things any different than my compression bras do. And I do Irish dance and running in the compression bras, and plain sports bras that don't have compression. So I don't know. Maybe I'm just not tuned into my boobs.
Great job!