Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pathetic Excuse For A Runner

So I ran yesterday for the first time in a while. I went and paid $3 to run on the treadmills at school (the gym is free when you're registered for classes that semester, but I didn't register for summer classes, so yeah). We were wondering if running on a treadmill wouldn't cause my calves to hurt less. Also, we have lately been having heat indexes of 105-110 degrees in my area, and I don't particularly want to go run around the block several times in that. I don't want to go outside in that, I don't do heat well. So I haven't been running. Also, previously, my calves have started hurting around .2 miles.

Well, we think we figured out what causes that. Courtesy of my dance training (land on the balls of your feet and stay there), I run like I dance. On the balls of my feet. And slightly turned out. I try the whole 'curve your foot' thing, and end up running like a duck (slapping my feet against the ground). But at least now we think we know what the problem is. It's just fixing it. I'm not sure how. I'm not sure how to make my feet roll more while running. So it's gonna be a work in progress. I'm trying to find a treadmill for sale, so maybe I can run on that at home. Joseph hates running on treadmills, but for me, well, it's really hot outside, and honestly, running on a treadmill doesn't aggravate my sometimes shin splints like running on asphalt does, it doesn't seem.

Anyway, yesterday, I ran/walked somewhere between 2 and 2.5 miles. I did a few spots of running, my best was .3 miles at a 10:10 pace. I ran to 30 Seconds to Mars (and warmed up with Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment" and "Strut"). My 10:10 was to "Attack", I did around a 14:00 to "Savior", a 13:00-ish to "Closer to the Edge", and I ran for a little bit to "Search and Destroy" before deciding my legs just weren't up to any more. Walked in various paces between 20:00 and 30:00 depending on how my legs felt.